Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke an the Bookish. Each week a different question is posed and gives us bloggers an opportunity to share our top tens on all different types of bookish topics. Today’s topic-
Top Ten Books I’ve Recently Added To My TBR (inspired by Jamie’s New To The Queue posts)
I love the topic this week- top ten books added to your TBR. I recently perused ALA attendees pictures and found some books to add to my wanted books. I hadn’t heard of a few and a couple I hadn’t added yet though I thought I had (oops). The Rook is on there because of a friend that absolutely loooooves the series.
Recent TBR Additions
Links to Goodreads
- The Rook (The Checquy Files #1) by Daniel O’Malley
- Queen of Hearts (Queen of Hearts Saga #1) by Colleen Oakes
- Shades of Darkness (Ravenborn #1) by A.R. Kahler
- The Marked Girl (Marked Girl #1) by Lindsey Klingele
- Seven Ways We Lie by Riley Redgate
- The Long Game (The Fixer #2) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
- The Killer in Me by Margot Harrison
- The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury
- The Burning World (Warm Bodies #2) by Isaac Marion
- How to Hang a Witch (How to Hang a Witch, #1) by Adriana Mather